Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Documentary on sustainable biodiesel

In summer 2008 four college students (well, one had graduated) -- Roque, Melissa, Sarah, & Hana -- set about to make a documentary film on the sustainable biodiesel movement which originated in Pittsboro, NC and has made gained a national reputation for teaching others how to make fuel from waste products like used veggie oil and chicken fat! [Eg. Read Biodiesel Power, by Lyle Estill]

We completed seven shoots at Piedmont Biofuels
coop and Industrial site, both in Pittsboro, at the home of Lyle Estill (Piedmont founder) at Carolina Biofuels, Durham, and at the house of a homebrewer, for a total of 8-9 hours of footage.

After a year's hiatus on the project, this fall (2010), UNC communications student Katie Lubinsky is editing the footage into a short film as part of an anthropology internship.

We are grateful to the People's Channel in Chapel Hill, where Roque and Melissa took classes before we borrowed equipment to film. Our finished film will air on Channel 8, the local public access channel, in addition to being marketed for educational use, previewed at Cairns & Sundance, considered for an Oscar . . .yada yada . . .

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